Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Shaw


Week Commencing: 16.09.24

What a fantastic week we have had in Class 2/3/4! In Science, Year 4 enjoyed conducting an experiment about thermal insulators, and Year 2 and Year 3 conducted an experiment about the bounciness of materials. In English, we have become our main character Mary and produced excellent diary entries reflecting on her thoughts and feelings. Also, we have begun exploring our artists Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan who are illustrators for books and graphic novels.

Week Commencing: 09.09.24

It has been another great week in Class 2/3/4! In English, we have begun to read our story "Stone Girl, Bone Girl" and used it as inspiration to write our own similes. During our RE lessons, we have explored the Creation story, creating some beautiful pieces of artwork to represent the story. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their first visit to Stanley Grange, we are sure they will love going each week. 

Week Commencing: 03/09/24

We have had an incredible first week in Class 2/3/4! Everyone has settled in well and shown great collaboration to make sure everyone knows what they are doing and are feeling okay. In English, we learnt a poem, 'She sells sea-shells' and performed it as a class with actions. We all started our new science topics with Year 2 and Year 3 exploring everyday materials around them and Year 4 exploring thermal insulators and conductors.

Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw): News items

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Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw): Blog items

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Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw): Gallery items

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Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw): Calendar items

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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]