Class 2/3/4 (Mrs Shaw) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Shaw


Week Commencing: 13.01.25

vWeek Commencing: 06.01.25

What a fantastic, very cold first week back for everyone, including Cl 2/3/4! In English, the children have created some incredible poems titled, 'The Magic Box', using a range of different expanded noun phrases. Year 2 have continued to explore shape, including lines of symmetry, whereas Year 3 and Year 4 have explored multiplication and division. We have completed our geography topic on the UK, with researching and locating physical landmarks using atlases. In RE, everyone enjoyed learning about the Magi's visit and each child retold the story in lots of detail. 

Week Commencing: 09.12.24

We have had another festive week in Cl 2/3/4. In R.E., the children responded creatively to the Gospels where the angels brought God's news to Mary and Joseph, they did this through creating their own hymn, prayer or piece of artwork. The children enjoyed exploring new mindfulness poems in English and have been dedicated to learning their poems for their performances. We have started our DT unit for this half term and have been busy evaluating existing Christmas gift boxes and practising constructing 3D shapes out of nets. 

Week Commencing: 02.12.24

This week the Christmas spirit has been evident in Cl 2/3/4. In RE, we compared the Gospels of Matthew and Luke and their versions of the Nativity story. We sorted Christmas cards into piles that depicted Matthew's and Luke's Gospels. In maths, Year 4 continued to explore area, Year 3 began to explore multiplication and Year 2 started to look at shape. Everyone got very creative in English this week, writing their own versions of a fable, including lots of grammatical features especially punctuated speech. In science, we explored why humans need a skeleton and had a go at labelling all the bones in the body!



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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]