Free School Meals

Universal Free School Meals

From September 2014 all pupils in Reception, Year One or Year Two in primary schools across the country were entitled to free school meals via the Government's Universal Infant Free Meal scheme. 


In addition, if you are in receipt of certain benefits, or have a household income which is below the Government threshold, you can register this entitlement with your local area education office as it could mean that school can receive additional funding for your child called Pupil Premium. Please refer to the form at the bottom of this page.


Free School Meals

For those pupils in Year Three and above they may also be eligible for free school meals if you are in receipt of the following benefits:


Income Support 
Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance 
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit, not entitled to Working Tax Credit and household income is less than £16,190
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Guarantee element of state pension credit
Universal credit
Working Tax Credit 'run on'- the payment you receive for a further four weeks after you finish work

For more details contact the Pupil Access Team for our area on 01772 531809 or refer to the Free School Meals and Pupil Premium form below.

Files to Download

Let's Connect

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]