At St Joseph’s Primary School, our children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. We deliver a broad, balanced and well-sequenced curriculum that has been personalised to our school and local area. The school- wide geography curriculum has been purposefully constructed to provide the children with the most meaningful learning opportunities whilst also inspiring our children’s curiosity, interest and appreciation of the world that we live in. It is our intention to provide our children with geographical knowledge and skills which are then transferable to other aspects of the curriculum whilst also supporting their moral, social and cultural development.
As our pupils’ progress through the school, they are exposed a progression of knowledge, experiences, and subject-specific vocabulary. Through their geographical experiences, our children will develop an insight into location, place, physical and human processes and also how landscapes and environments have changed/continue to change over time. However, geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which also means it is incredibly important for us to also develops our children’s understanding of understanding of geographical skills and fieldwork through first-hand experiences.
Through the planning and teaching of our geography curriculum, we seek to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, which will remain with our children for the rest of their lives.
Cross-curricular outcomes in geography are specifically planned for, with strong links between geography and English lessons identified. Quality texts ( in English) have been carefully selected to link with geography topics (where appropriate). At St Joseph’s, our curriculum has been personalised to meet the needs of our children but also to reflect our local area therefore our school grounds and local area is fully utilised to achieve vision for. We also encourage and promote school trips to provide our children with first-hand experiences, which in turn, enhance our children's understanding of the world beyond their locality.