Online Safety Information

The online world offers amazing opportunities but also brings elements of potential risk and for Parents & Carers, making sense of the online world can appear to be an enormous challenge. Unlike previous generations, the online environment is an integral part of children’s lives and therefore we can no longer consider their wellbeing or safety without also considering their relationship to technology. However, staying safe online is fundamentally about behaviours rather than the technology itself and if approached from this perspective, we can begin to gain confidence to support our children.
At St Joseph's, we have measures in place to protect our children from any dangerous online content. We have filters in place to screen anything which might be harmful for children. Pupils in Years One to Six have their own unique username and a password in order to log onto online activities. Children are frequently taught and reminded about online safety as part of our curriculum intent.
The information below provides some useful tips for parents and carers when discussing the online environment with children. 

O2 and NSPCC Online Safety helpline

O2 in partnership with the NSPCC have set up a dedicated Helpline to support Parents & Carers with a variety of concerns or questions.  The Helpline is available seven days a week and is free to call and can support with technical queries or more personal questions about staying safe online.  Find out more about the Helpline via the link below or call on 0808 800 5002


Childnet International for Parents and Carers

Childnet provide a large range of advice and resources to support Parents and Carers to keep children safe online. Their Parents section contains some very useful tips about talking to children about online issues and includes 'Hot Topic' guides across a wide range of issues.

CEOP TUK - Concerned about your child: Online Behaviour

CEOP's TUK programme have produced a series of useful guides for Parents and Carers. Online Behaviour focusses on Exposure to Sexual Content, Online Activy and Sharing Information Online. Access the Online Behaviour guidance through the link below:

CBBC Stay Safe

The CBBC Stay Safe website contains lots of useful tips and entertaining clips for addressing a variety of online safety issues with children including Bullying, Social Media, Age limits and Gaming.

Let's Connect

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,