Class 5/6 (Miss Bottomley) 2024 - 2025

Miss Bottomley


Week Commencing: 13.01.25

It has been a very productive week in Class 5/6  and the children have been working incredibly hard. In English, the children have drafted and presented their 'Save Our Planet' speeches and have done a truly amazing job. In science, the children planned and led their own experiments focusing on impacting the brightness of a bulb in a circuit. In maths, Year 5 have been adding mixed number fractions whilst Year 6 have been focusing on ratio. In prayer & liturgy this week, we have been thinking about the importance of being there for others during their time of need - the children had some lovely responses and ways in which they can go forth in order to do this. 

Week Commencing: 06.01.25

And just like that, Cl 5/6 are in 2025! The children have been amazing this week and worked incredibly hard despite there being indoor playtimes and some interesting weather! Maths wise, Year 5 have been adding and subtracting fractions, whilst Year 6 have been continuing to convert units of measurement (e.g. miles to KM). In English we have been exploring persuasive speeches linked with our geography unit 'Save Our Planet!" The children will be using Greta Thunberg's 'How dare you speech!' as inspiration for their own speeches next week - I cannot wait! In science, we have been continuing with our electricity unit and this week we focused on the question, "How can I change the brightness of a bulb?' All in all, a fantastic start to the new year. 

Week Commencing: 09.12.24

And just like that, we are almost at the end of an incredibly busy autumn term in Cl 5/6! This week, the children have been writing their own Highwayman stanzas in English and I could not be prouder of them. Each and everyone of them is unique yet in the style of Alfred Noyes which really isn't easy. In geography, we have been looking at the impact change in land use has on biodiversity which links to our 'save the planet!' unit. In R.E., we have been exploring the story of David and his relationship with God which has been very thought provoking.  And finally, in PE we have been dancing through the ages which has been incredibly fun! In our final PE lesson on Monday, we will be entering the noughties where some 'interesting' moves will appear! 

Week Commencing: 02.12.24

As always, it has been a very busy week in Cl 5/6. Year 5 have been looking at finding equivalent fractions in maths, using fraction walls and fractions cubes for support. Meanwhile, Year 6 have been looking at multiplying and dividing fractions and have done incredibly well with this. Our focus in geography this half term is 'save our planet' and this week we have been looking at the impact food has on our world. We looked at the farm-to-fork journey of different foods and how the sharing of food globally (although great for our diet) is incredibly harmful to our planet due to increased pressures on farmers, air miles and packaging. We also finished off our end of term assessments this week and I could not be prouder; the children have given their all.





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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]