Class 6 2023 - 2024

Mr Astle

Class Teacher: Mr Astle

J Astle.jpg

Week Commencing: 17.06.24

To finish our penultimate English topic of the year, Class 6 watched Holes. We then compared and contrasted it with the book and, although we found many similarities, we also discovered a lot of differences: Mr Pendanski wasn't as nice as we thought he would be; Mr Sir was a far more comedic character; we all love Zero! We have written a very informal review of Sunday's England match - we decided that, although it was great that we won, we are going to need to play a lot better if we want to go anywhere in this year's competition!

Week Commencing: 10.06.24

This week has been all about writing in Year 6! We have written a letter from the trenches, linking to our WW2 topic on D-Day, and its 80th anniversary; we have finished our flashback topic, so have written an independent version of Holes. And, after a full lesson of research, we have written a non-chronological report on 'Friends of Jesus' - I can honestly say that each and every member of Year 6 has delivered something special! 

Week Commencing: 04.06.24

This short week has flown by, and it is strange to think Class 6 have started their final half term of primary school. On Wednesday, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, we had a full afternoon looking at the impact Operation Overlord had on the Allies' victory in WW2. On Friday, we welcomed historian Adrian Warrell, who spent the afternoon bring WW2 to life! In English, we have started our final topic 'Stories with a Flashback' which will end up with us writing our own version of Louis Sachar's 'Holes'.

Week Commencing: 20.05.24

After enjoying a post SATs celebration, this week in Class 6, we have been catching up on our writing. Using our text 'The Great Kapok Tree' as a model, we have moved from writing about the Amazon Rainforest, to a body of water somewhere in the UK. Some of the vocabulary used has been absolutely incredible! In history, we are looking at the Ancient Mayans, diving into their gods, and very interestingly, their number system - it was all dots and dashes, but we somehow made sense of it!

Week Commencing: 13.05.24

It has been Year 6 SATs this week! There were some challenges along the way and some very tricky questions to answer, but pupils never gave up & never lost hope! They have done our school community proud and can now look forward to enjoying their final weeks in school. I (Mr Astle) would also like to thank the whole school, pupils, staff, parents and governors for their support throughout this week—it’s definitely been a team effort!

Week Commencing: 06.05.24

It is that time of the year again in Class 6 - the week before SATs. We have finished our final maths unit of the year (position and direction) which means, for Year 6, the primary curriculum is now finished! In English, we identified definitions of word classes, making revision cards to keep them fresh in our minds. SATs is next week, and Year 6 are ready. I am so impressed by the effort and commitment they have shown to their learning, and I know they will do themselves proud next week. Good luck Year 6!

Commencing: 29.04.24

In Class 6 this week, we have been in the middle of our Mock SATs. It is actually an understatement to say that the class have given it everything - they have given so much more than 'everything', and this is evident in the scale scores which are starting to come out! In Maths, we have been looking at finding missing angles in all polygons, remembering the formula of (n-2)x180 to find the sum of the internal angles - hard, but very satisfying when it is understood!

Week Commencing: 22.04.24

It has been a very mathematical week in Y6! We have been using a protractor to draw and measure angles (including reflex angles!) before using our knowledge of angles on a straight line, on a point, and in a triangle, to solve missing angles. What's more, we went into Forest School searching for arithmetic questions - it made SATs practice far more enjoyable. In English, we have been looking at PEE questions, and understanding how to make a point, before backing it up accurately with evidence from the text.

Week Commencing:15.04.24

There is no such thing as 'easing back into the final term gradually' in Class 6. In just five days we have covered pie charts linking with fractions and percentages, accurately drawn our own pie charts and found the mean average of a group of numbers! In English, we have been looking at the difference between the active and passive voice, alongside word classes and difference sentence structures. This is an awful lot for Year 6 to digest, but as usual, they have taken it all in with absolute ease. SATs is only three weeks away, and they are ready!

Week Commencing: 18.03.24

With SATs getting closer, Assessment Week is the perfect opportunity get in some practice before the big week! Y6 have shown great resilience, both when completing the tests, and then finding out their results - everyone is pushing for the best possible mark they can achieve! In English, we have begun writing our own version of 'The Great Kapok Tree' with an independent focus, which I'm sure will turn out fantastically. In science, Year 6 looked at how the American alligator has adapted its physical features to survive and thrive!

Week Commencing: 11.03.24

Maths in Y6 has been building on previous knowledge of decimals, now converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been using our understanding of equivalent fractions, to ensure the denominator is a power of 10. In English, we have finished our presentation piece of 'The Highwayman', which look absolutely incredible, and we are now ready to start our new unit on 'The Great Kapok Tree' . Our science experiment aimed to “smash the stereotype” by seeing who is more sporty—boys or girls!

Week Commencing: 04.03.24

In Class 6, we have started a new unit in maths - fractions, decimals and percentages - and Year 6 are simply breezing through it! They have shown they can find a percentage of any number, alongside using division to convert a fraction into a decimal - wow! In English, we have written an alternative ending to 'The Highwayman' from the perspective of Tim; the quality of the Y6 writing was incredible. Thank you to all parents who came to watch our class assembly today - we hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. In science, Year 6 have started their new unit on evolution and inheritance by looking at how cactus have adapted to grow in deserts.


Week Commencing: 26.02.24

How would you feel when you heard the gunshot in The Highwayman? How would Bess feel? How would Tim feel? These were the questions Class 6 had to ask themselves for their in-depth dive into inference this week; the answers given were thoughtful and very deep. As their place value knowledge is already so strong in maths, we are flying through our current unit on 'decimals', we just need to look at multiplying and dividing decimals by integers, and then we are yet another step closer to being ready for our SATs. In P.E., pupils continued to work on their badminton technique

Week Commencing: 19.02.24

This week, Class 6 continued with their maths topic on algebra. Although it is getting really tricky (making formulas and equations based on questions and pictures) they are sticking with it, and putting in 100% effort! In English, we have started our new unit, 'Poems with Figurative Language'. Our quality text is the classic poem 'The Highwayman' and the level of discussion coming from the class is incredible - it's a tricky poem! In PE, the class started their new unit—badminton, focusing on their forehand shots.

Week Commencing: 05.02.24

After the hectic start to the week with Number Day and Safer Internet Day, Class 6 settled back into the routine perfectly. In Maths, we are still ploughing along with algebra, working backwards to write an algebraic formula to solve problems. In English, we have started our independent writing, based on the story of Goodnight Mister Tom.

Week Commencing: 29.01.24

In Year 6 maths, we have finished our unit on ratio and proportion, by looking at reducing and increasing quantities of ingredients. We have now started our unit on algebra. Despite the worldwide misconception that algebra is impossible, when applied to real-life situations, it becomes relatively simple - Year 6 have suggested it is almost easy! In English, we have finished our modelled write, which will be used next week to write an independent story. In science, pupils completed a booklet about the eye!


Week Commencing: 22.01.24

In maths, Class 6 have finished the unit on ration and proportion, linking them to recipes—if you need 100g of sugar for 8 cakes, how much do you need for 2? Our grammar focuses for English are the different varieties of past tense, alongside finding the subject and object in a sentence. Year 6 are looking forward to applying those to their independent writing which they will start next week. In history, the class has been discussing the events at Dunkirk in 1940 and finding out why the evacuation was so successful.

Week Commencing: 15.01.24

In Year 6, we have finished the reading phase of ourunit on Goodnight Mister Tom. We have inferred the feelings of both main characters; we have predicted what might come next; we have found, and used, high quality vocabulary - when we write our own piece, they will be amazing! In Maths, we have started our new unit on 'Ratio and Proportion' and I was astounded by the speed and concrete understanding the entire class have shown from start to finish. PC Rob also came in as a guest speaker this week, giving a thoroughly fascinating talk on the roles and responsibilities of a child who is due to start high school. 

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Week Commencing: 08.01.24

In Year 6, we have started our English unit, 'Stories with a Theme' by looking at Goodnight Mister Tom, an absolutely fantastic story which, after 42 years, still grips children and adults across the country. We are already looking at ways to rewrite the story with a twist, and I know Year 6's finished pieces will amaze me! In maths, we have finished our unit on, 'Converting Measures' and we are now ready to start our next topic on, 'Ratio and Proportion'.  Pupils also completed their lighthouse dioramas.


Week Commencing: 11.12.23

It is our final full week of the first term, and I think Class 6 are all in need of a well-earned break! We have finished our geography topic on 'Climate Change' and the class have produced a fantastic 2-page spread to show their understanding of fossil fuels, global warming effects and COP28. We also had a very exciting visit from Bishop Tom - he shared a Collective Worship with the class, before agreeing to an hour long Q&A session! The children asked some wonderful, deep and meaningful questions, which Bishop Tom answered with genuine honesty and enthusiasm.  

Week Commencing: 04.12.23

In Cl 6 this week, we have been finishing our assessments for the Autumn term. Although it is only a couple of weeks until Christmas, and festive cheer is clearly in the air, the class have got their heads down, and given everything - this is reflected in their fantastic results! In maths, we have started our final unit of the term 'converting measurements' where Year 6 are applying their knowledge of multiplication and division by a power of ten. In English, we are ready to start our final unit - discussion text and speech - linking to our geography topic on climate change. 

Week Commencing: 27.11.23

In English this week, Class 6 have planned, written, edited and improved a fully independent piece of work! I have seen semi-colons, parenthesis, dashes, hyphens and inverted commas used to absolute perfection! Linking science and P.E. together, we have been using athletics - particularly running for stamina - to increase our heart rate. We then compared results and put them into a graph, noticing the correlation between exercise and our pulse. We then took our learning further, studying the four chambers of the heart, and how oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is transferred around the body.

Week Commencing: 20.11.23

In Year 6 this week, we have finished with our modelled write, and we are ready to begin planning, and writing, our own independent stories based on Kensuke's Kingdom ... but with a twist - Kensuke does not exist in our version! I am looking forward to seeing the different ideas in the writing next week. We are applying some maths, and P.E., into our science work this week, understanding how our body reacts to exercise. We took our pulse before, during and after exercise, so we could compare the results, and plot them into a line graph.

Week Commencing: 13.11.23

We have finished our unit on ‘fractions’ in Year 6, and the class are now fully confident to add, subtract, multiply and divide any fraction by another, or by an integer. Our unit in PE is athletics, with a particular focus on running techniques, both when running for speed and stamina. Linking to the International Day of Kindness, the “Go Forth” at the end of our Collective Worship had the children pledging to do something kind to make the world better. 

Week Commencing: 06.11.23

In English this week, Class 6 have been diving into our new book, 'Kensuke's Kingdom'.  We have all agreed it is fantastic so far! And we are now collecting some of the wonderful phrases and vocabulary, which we can then use in our own writing. Maths has moved onto multiplying and dividing fractions, and strangely, it is a lot easier than adding and subtracting them! We had a lovely Collective Worship on Wednesday, which linked to the Light of our Lord, and the Holy Spirt. In their 'Go Forth' the children drew their own image of the Holy Spirit, in the form of a cross, or dove. 

Week Commencing: 30.10.23

As always, the first week back can be slightly hectic. However, Class 6 are settling back into the school routine; we are starting new units; and crucially, we are taking the ever important steps towards SATs preparation. In maths, we have been looking at adding and subtracting fractions with a different denominator, building on the knowledge of lowest common multiples from before half term. In English, we have started our new topic of 'Mystery Stories', with our grammatical focus being 'semi colons' and 'dashes to interrupt a main clause'. Year 6 are very interested to know if their predications and inferences of the characters are correct - they will find out next week!

Week Commencing: 16.10.23

Just because we are approaching half term doesn't mean we are easing off in Year 6! In maths, we are moving along nicely with fractions. We have compared fractions with the same denominator, compared fractions with a different denominator and we are currently using our knowledge of equivalent fractions to make numerators the same. We have come to the end of our history topic on the Ancient Greeks, and it was fascinating to see how many inventions and traditions, still used today, were created by the Ancient Greeks. Fr Raphael visited on Thursday to talk about his vocation and the calling to become a priest. Not only did he tell a fascinating story about his past, but when quizzed by the children, he gave such honest and genuine answers  - the children and I came away with an uttermost respect for him and choices he has made.


Week Commencing: 09.10.23

In English this week, Class 6 have moved onto classic poetry, with Robert Louis Stevenson being our author of choice. We have dived into, and pulled apart, two of his most famous poems, 'My Shadow' and 'From a Railway Carriage'. It is interesting to see how he uses his rhyming words, and in 'From a Railway Carriage' in particular, the huge amount of antonyms used! In maths, we have moved onto our new unit on 'fractions' and the class have started off lightly, looking at simplifying fractions into their lowest form - luckily our prime number knowledge is strong, so we knew when a fraction couldn't be simplified anymore! Finally, a huge congratulations to Niamh and Sam, our newly appointed Head Boy and Head Girl. I know they will do St. Joseph's proud!  

Sam & Niamh.jpg

Week Commencing: 02.10.23

Firstly, I would like to thank the friends and families who came to share in the Class 6 Collective Worship today. It was wonderful to see everyone come together to celebrate and reflect on how we - as a staff, as children, as parents and as friends - belong together. This week has also been very exciting for Year 6, as they have been working on their Head Boy / Head Girl speeches. They have shown our School Values of 'Hope' and 'Friendship', wishing each other good luck before each interview took place.

Week Commencing: 25.09.23

It has been a busy week in Maths! In just 5 days, we have gone from 'factors and multiples' to 'prime numbers' to 'squared and cubed numbers' to 'long multiplication'. Long multiplication in particular has proven very tricky, but with a bit of practice, I know Y6 will nail it. In English, we have now finished our modelled write on 'Arachne and the Spinner', and we are ready to plan and write our own independent piece, with a similar feel. It was great watching the teamwork put in during PE, with the class working beautifully together to ensure dribbling, long passing and scoring was put into use effectively. 

Week Commencing: 18.09.23

This week in Year 6, we have started our new maths unit  'The 4 Operations'. We started off with addition and subtraction, including questions with missing numbers, before moving onto factors of numbers, and long multiplication. In English, we have started writing our own Greek Myth, following a similar style of 'Arachne and the Spinner' - some of the vocabulary used has been amazing! On Wednesday, Year 6 went through a rigorous training course, to ensure they can lead games during lunchtime. They all passed with flying colours, and will be on the yard, starting Monday, with footballs, dodgeballs, rugby balls and athletics equipment... I can't wait to see it!

Week Commencing: 11.09.23

So far, in English, our story on Greek Myths has been fascinating! We have learnt how the Ancient Greeks believed mankind to be created, why there are seasons, and how a chatty goddess was cursed to only repeat the last word of someone's sentence - her name was Echo! In maths, we have finished our unit on place value, working with, rounding, and manipulating numbers above 1,000,000 - it has been tricky, but Year 6 have tackled it like pros!

Week Commencing: 04.09.23

As expected, Year 6 have come back and hit the ground running. In maths, we have gone straight into place value, looking at numbers up to 10,000,000. For English, we have started our first topic of the year 'Greek Myths' which links perfectly to our first history topic, 'The Ancient Greeks'! To introduce our R.E. topic, we have made links between our school Mission Statement and the life of Jesus.


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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]