Class R/1 (Miss Ollerton) 2024 - 2025
Miss Ollerton
Week Commencing: 13.01.25
In Cl R/1 Phonics this week, Reception have been learning Brown Owl's 'OW' sound, while Year One have been grasping the spelling rule 'k before i e and y'. It's great to see the children so motivated and eager to read to adults in school each day! In RE, we continued our new unit, 'Galilee to Jerusalem' and talked about how Simeon and Anna would have felt when they found out that Jesus, the Son of God, was born. The children talked about why they think Jesus is the light of the world. Jack and the Beanstalk is the theme of our Spring term P.E. unit. This week, the children worked hard to develop the skill of throwing overarm with some accuracy.
Week Commencing: 06.01.25
What a wonderful first week we’ve had back in Cl R/1. In phonics this week, Reception have been learning the Tricky Witch “oo” sound, while Year One have been focussing on the “ue” and “ew” sounds. In RE we have started our new learning branch which is titled “Galilee to Jerusalem”. We talked about the ways in which we can shine brightly like Jesus, as well as creating some Epiphany themed artwork. Maths wise, Year One have been exploring the composition of teen numbers, while Reception have been busy exploring the concept of zero.
Week Commencing: 09.12.24
What a wonderful week we’ve had in Class R/1. In English, we have been reading Peter Rabbit's Christmas Present Hunt. The children have enjoyed making predictions, exploring new vocabulary in the text, in addition to sequencing and retelling the story. Maths wise, Year One have been focusing on identifying and sorting 2D and 3D shapes, while Reception have been focusing on shapes in the environment and day & night. In science this week, we compared how different balls bounce when different levels of force are applied. The children were surprised to find out that the sponge ball bounced higher than the basketball. To end the week, the children participated in a range of different Christmas craft activities during our festive themed stay and play session.
Week Commencing: 02.12.24
What a joyful and festive week we've had in Class R/1! Our performance of “Baarmy Bethlehem” was the perfect way to spread Christmas cheer. The children have enjoyed learning about the Christmas story over the past few weeks as part of our Prophecy and Promise themed RE Unit. They understand that for Christians, the Christmas story reveals God’s love by sending Jesus his Son. In Science this week, we continued our forces learning in which the children investigated and compared how wheels turn when sand and water is poured through them. To end the week, the children enjoyed designing and labelling their own 'Extraordinary Gardens' inspired by “Joe the Extraordinary Gardener”. Year One worked incredibly hard to write a set of instructions on how to build their extraordinary garden too. We are looking forward to welcoming our Class R/1 families into school again next week on Friday 13th December for our Christmas Craft themed stay and play 2:15-3:15pm.