Class R/1 (Miss Ollerton) 2024 - 2025

Miss Ollerton


Week Commencing: 16.09.24

It has been another fantastic week in Class R/1. In History this week, we talked about our favourite toys and the different materials that they are made from. Year One enjoyed drawing and labelling their favourite toy. In Science, we have started our topic all about humans. The children got busy labelling parts of the body and identifying which parts of the body are associated with the different senses. Towards the end of the week, Class R&1 had lots of fun during their PE lessons where they practised a range of fundamental movement skills. 

Week Commencing: 09.09.24

Wow! Week two in Class R/1 has flown by! We have been busy mastering our new routines and getting stuck into our new topics. In history, we are learning about toys past and present. We talked about why we have toys and who plays with them. In RE, we are learning about the creation story. Year One children enjoyed creating some creation themed artwork while reception got busy creating God's world in the small world provision. A highlight of the week was Reception pupils meeting their 'Big Friend' in Year 6 who will act as their buddy for the school year, helping them to settle into school life at St Joseph's. 

Week Commencing: 03/09/24

What a fantastic first week we've had in Class R/1, getting to know our classroom, our new teach-ers and our new friends! Making lavender perfumes and nature faces in the outdoor classroom, singing and dancing to new songs in music and exploring the construction area are just a few of this week's highlights. We are so proud of the Reception chil-dren who are settling into school life brilliantly. It has been lovely to see the children's confidence grow each day. Reception are looking forward to meeting their Big Friend in Year 6 next week. A special mention to the Year One children who have been outstanding role models to Recep-tion this week, helping them to master new routines. Well done, Year One! We hope all of our families have a restful weekend, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday.

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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]