Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Greenwood
About Our Nursery
St Joseph’s Nursery Group is a small nursery that was set up in 1997 and is situated within St Joseph’s Primary School. The nursery offers 16 places per session, serves the local community and is accessible to all children."Staff create an oasis of interesting opportunities for children indoors and outside. Children are happy, develop close relationships with staff and demonstrate that they feel safe when attending nursery." (OFSTED, 2024)
St Joseph’s nursery follows the EYFS and provides children with all the essential skills they need to begin school. Children have access to a fantastic outdoor area where they have the opportunity to practice their physical and imaginative play, using resources such as sand and water, our team has a strong commitment to the welfare and safety of all the children, including indoor and outdoor activities. "Children delight in playing in the beautiful and interesting outdoor area. Staff skillfully provide opportunities for children to revisit past learning and experiences." (OFSTED, 2024)
We strive to create strong and positive relationships both with parents and children; it is our aim that all families are happy and content in this vibrant learning environment.
We are open Monday to Friday, term time only
8:30am-12:00pm and 12:00pm-3:30pm
Our team consists of:
Mrs Greenwood - Nursery Manager & SENCO
Mrs Webster - Nursery Manager & PICO
Mrs Price - Nursery Practitioner & ENCO
If you require any further information or would like to come and visit us please feel free to contact us on 07956 242409. Alternatively you can email us on [email protected] or follow us on Facebook, search Brindle St Josephs Preschool Nursery.
OFSTED rating: Good
Information for parents
Key Workers:
We allocate a key person to each child when they start with us in Nursery. The key person will look after your child and track their progress during their time with us. Your keyworker is avaliable any time for a chat or to ask any questions.
Funding & Fees:
We offer 15 & 30 hour funded places. Our fees are £17.50 per half day and £35 per full day.
Parents For Partners:
Working in partnership with parents/carers is central to the EYFS. Consulting you about your childs early experiences helps us plan for effective learning at Nursery and helps us support you in continuing your childs learning development at home. In order to achieve this we:
- Use the Tapestry app alongside a learning journey to send home termly updates
- Send an 'All About Me' home for you to fill in about your child
- Have an 'Expert Of The Week' where we follow one childs interests for the week
- Hold termly Stay & Play sessions
- Offer parent/keyworker meetings
- Send home questionnaires to make sure you are part of evaluating our setting so that we can provide the best possible childcare
Home Learning
To support your childs leaning and development at home we have included some home learning ideas under our 'Helpful information for parents' file.
Dinner & Snack Time:
Children who are attending the Nursery have the option of bringing a packed lunch or having a hot school dinner. If you want your child to have a dinner please inform a member of staff at the beginning of the day (cost of £1.70)
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to nursery to enjoy with their friends. We also offer toast, crumpets, waffles etc in a morning at a cost of 20p per day and fruit is provided in the afternoon at a cost of 20p per day. Milk is provided free of charge.
*Please note that there may be children within the setting that have allergies, therefore please do not bring any items in your child's snack or packed lunch that may contain nuts. Thank you for your co-operation.
We continue to take every measure to prevent infection including a thorough hygiene routine. If you suspect your child is showing any signs or symptoms of Covid-19 or any other illness they are best being kept at home.
Complaints of any nature should be sent to the Nursery manager directly on [email protected]
All policies are avaliable upon request.